Pakistan (MNN) — U.N. agencies say as of 2021, 50 million people around the world live in some kind of slavery.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Human traffickers have started preying on the isolated Mru people.
Nigeria (MNN) — At least 400 inmates remain on the run.
Nigeria (MNN) — National security and religious freedom closely intertwined in Nigeria.
Lebanon (MNN) — In 2014, the Islamic State carried out a genocide against the Yazidi people.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Thousands of refugees have fled Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover.
Nigeria (MNN) — The U.S. Department of State did not designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern in 2021.
Central African Republic (MNN) — By partnering with World Mission, you can send help and hope to believers.
Sudan (MNN) — In order to heal, Sudanese must see Bashir held accountable for his actions
Egypt (MNN) — Egypt remains the strategic focus of ministry to the Middle East. However, Christians aren’t the only ones mobilizing.