South Asia (MNN) — Four believers bombarded with sticks, iron rods while handing out Christian literature
South Asia (MNN) — Four believers bombarded with sticks, iron rods while handing out Christian literature
India (MNN) — Christian worker abruptly stopped, surrounded, beaten, hospitalized
Asia (MNN) — Woman beaten, thrown out of home for refusing to bow to idols
Indonesia (MNN) — Targeted Christians in Indonesia means violence likely to rise
Indonesia (MNN) — Hardliner mobs on anti-Christian rampage following blasphemy case
Russia (MNN) — Russia’s leaders vow revenge for terror attack
International (MNN) — Threats and violence cause for concern as believers gather during the Advent Season
India (MNN) — Hindu radicals make more Christmas threats against believers
Congo-Kinsahsa (MNN) — Ministry offers key to restoration in war-ravaged Congo
South Asia (MNN) — GFA pastor beaten while walking to church; perseveres anyway