India (MNN) — God’s Word could change tumultuous region in NE India
India (MNN) — God’s Word could change tumultuous region in NE India
Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — Ministry team moves forward with Gospel project in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — Despite the 10-day trip to get to them, team brings Gospel to isolated people group
Mozambique (MNN) — Church growth skyrockets with audio Scriptures; more resources needed
India (MNN) — 50 audio Scripture units stolen en route to Northeast India
Mozambique (MNN) — Audio Scriptures going like wildfire; more needed
Asia (MNN) — Audio Bibles headed for displaced people group get through customs
India (MNN) — First retreat in 25 years for Audio Scripture Ministries partners
India (MNN) — Audio players will be distributed to persecuted believers next week
Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — ASM brings hope of Christ to a dark and destitute nation