Indonesia (MNN) — Indonesia reported over 56,000 new cases on Thursday.
Indonesia (MNN) — Indonesia reported over 56,000 new cases on Thursday.
Malaysia (MNN) — White flags are going up all across Malaysia as COVID-19 cases rise.
Japan (MNN) — Pray for wisdom as believers in Japan navigate constant change.
Asia (MNN) — Red Cross warns of COVID-19 “explosion” in Asia.
Japan (MNN) — Olympics host country Japan is in the third state of emergency due to rising COVID-19 infections.
Laos (MNN) — He was convicted of “creating disorder” after holding church services without permission.
Myanmar (MNN) — Ask the Lord to protect His followers as they bring hope and physical aid to people in need.
Japan (MNN ) — A 9.0 magnitude earthquake sent a tsunami hurtling into the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Myanmar (MNN) — After seizing power in early February, Myanmar’s military killed at least 14 people yesterday.
Myanmar (MNN) — Myanmar military uses increasing force to subdue protests; Christians warn of collapse.