International (MNN) — Ministry steps into the most difficult areas of the world to support leaders in need.
International (MNN) — Ministry steps into the most difficult areas of the world to support leaders in need.
Central Asia (MNN) — Many Russians and Ukrainians own companies in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Middle East (MNN) — Asian Access helps new believers become effective leaders.
South Asia (MNN) — The increasing pressure comes from religious majority groups and governments.
Indonesia (MNN) — Monday’s earthquake toppled entire buildings, and scores remain trapped in the debris.
China (MNN) — Authorities raided several house churches and harassed Chinese believers seeking shelter in Thailand.
Asia (MNN) — Asian Access holds global summit at secured location in Asia this week.
(Laos (MNN) — Dozens of Christian leaders have seen their homes and churches torn down.
Myanmar (MNN) — Aung San Suu Kyi has been held in prison since a February 2021 coup.