Philippines (MNN) — Compassion International equips local churches to combat exploitation
Philippines (MNN) — Compassion International equips local churches to combat exploitation
Hong Kong (MNN) — Divided, the city yearns for hope
International (MNN) — Trauma can take many forms, but there is hope
Philippines (MNN) — Flooding affected over 300 Compassion children, but it could have been worse
Hong Kong (MNN) — Local Christians learn to reach out to their Muslim neighbor
Indonesia (MNN) — Bibles are a rare treasure for many Indonesian Christians
USA (MNN) — Summer vacation does not mean a break in Bible translation…
Hong Kong (MNN) — Christian leader offers a different perspective on social issues
Pakistan (MNN) — In Pakistan, young girls are married in forced/arranged marriages
Asia (MNN) — Taking the Gospel to every tribe requires national believers