Japan (MNN) — Book of Hope has developed a special book to help teach English and the Gospel

Afghanistan (MNN) — The announcement of the South Korean missionaries may have implications for other Christian workers

India (MNN) — 40 killed in two bomb attacks in India, ministry is being affected
India (MNN) — Living Water International looks to expand the number of water wells in India, providing churches an opportunity to reach out

India (MNN) — Monsoon rains cause flooding; Christians reach out in Jesus’ name

USA (MNN) — International Aid President says traveling abroad in this day and age is dangerous, Christians need to count the cost

India (MNN) — Gospel For Asia is helping stem the tide of disappearing children in India, but they need your help
Tajikistan (MNN) — Slavic Gospel Association says a new religion law could hurt the spread of the Gospel

Pakistan (MNN) — Christians will be bold despite opposition in Pakistan

Afghanistan (MNN) — CURE International staff members are safe after bombings in Afghanistan, ministry continues