USA (MNN) — Living Water International says China’s earthquake may open doors for them
China (MNN) — FEBC is producing programs to help victims of the earthquake in China

China (MNN) — Franklin Graham says he won’t support ‘illegal’ Christian activity during Olympics

Myanmar (MNN) — Vision Beyond Borders one of the first to help in Myanmar but needs your help
China (MNN) — Open Doors expects Chinese believers to evangelize during the Olympics despite threats

Myanmar (MNN) — Relief groups need financial help as food crisis causes costs to soar in Myanmar

Myanmar (MNN) — Gospel for Asia Bible College is transformed into a shelter after a cyclone rips through Myanmar
Japan (MNN) — Friendship evangelism is effective in Japan

Mongolia (MNN) — FEBC is using radio to reach an entire nation for Christ
Kazakhstan (MNN) — SGA says restrictions on overt evangelism in the works in Kazakhstan