Japan (MNN) — CRWRC hope G8 Summit will do much for third world aid
Japan (MNN) — CRWRC hope G8 Summit will do much for third world aid
North Korea (MNN) — Christians still live in fear in North Korea, says ICC
Philippines (MNN) — Typhoon affects Food for the Hungry work
Japan (MNN) — Japanese business leaders hear about Christ through VIP clubs
China (MNN) — FEBC reaches out to China’s earthquake victims
Nepal (MNN) — Evangelist Manja Tamang may be released early, Christians are urged to pray
Myanmar (MNN) — International Aid travels to Myanmar to find a strong church. but needs are many
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Gospel For Asia workers reach out to flood victims in Sri Lanka
Myanmar (MNN) — World Bible Translation Center is answering a call for God’s Word in Myanmar
Myanmar (MNN) — Mission Aviation Fellowship is asking people to pray that they’ll be allowed to help in Myanmar