North Korea (MNN) — North Korea loses its terrorist moniker but still persecutes Christians
North Korea (MNN) — North Korea loses its terrorist moniker but still persecutes Christians
Asia (MNN) — Volunteers urgently needed in Asia
India (MNN) — Gospel For Asia joins protests against Hindu violence against Christians
India (MNN) — Outreach to Indian Gypsies seeing success despite violence
Thailand (MNN) — Book of Hope Pilot project in Thailand could go international
USA (MNN) — Vision Beyond Borders says obscure Chinese law hinders Bible distribution
China (MNN) — Olympics are over, but needs of earthquake victims are ongoing
India (MNN) — Thousands of Bibles are destroyed in India, says World Bible Translation Center
India (MNN) — Indian government isn’t protecting the Christian population in Orissa
Pakistan (MNN) — Many are uncertain as bomb blasts rock Pakistan, Christians need prayer