Pakistan (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs says persecution isn’t stopping church growth
Pakistan (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs says persecution isn’t stopping church growth
Burma (MNN) — Atrocities are forcing the Karen people from Burma
China (MNN) — Open Doors USA is asking Christians to pray for Uyghur believers as unrest continues
India (MNN) — GFA believers hit by another mob attack in Orissa
Russia (MNN) — Russian Ministries says ministry need now more than ever in Northern Caucasus.
Iran (MNN) — SAT-7 PARS says anti-western sentiment could be bad for Christians
Iran (MNN) — An evangelist says unrest in Iran could signal more freedoms for Christians
Nepal (MNN) — GFA Missionary released early from Nepali prison
International (MNN) — OM worker is using text messaging to share the Gospel with friends
India (MNN) — Gospel for Asia endorses Slum Dog, while encouraging Christians to get involved