India (MNN) — India Gospel League is seeing hundreds of churches planted each month
India (MNN) — India Gospel League is seeing hundreds of churches planted each month
Myanmar (MNN) — Vision Beyond Borders reports thousands of Karen deaths in Myanmar
Indonesia (MNN) — A new airstrip in Indonesia takes nine years, but now a church is planned
Indonesia (MNN) — MAF’s first Kodiak is on its way to Indonesia
China (MNN) — Adopt-A-Pastor opens new ministries in China
China (MNN) — President Obama speaks of religious freedom — a change in policy?
India (MNN) — Faith Comes By Hearing says an illiterate ureached people needs audio Bibles
Pakistan (MNN) — More than 100 dead in a bomb attack in Pakistan, ministry affected
Afghanistan (MNN) — CURE Hospital staff concerned as suicide bombers strike Kabul
International (MNN) — Ever thought about serving in Asia? OM can help