Kazakhstan (MNN) — SGA says suicide bomber was organized crime member, not Muslim
China (MNN) — Unregistered churches in China officially petition parliament; arrests imminent?
South Asia (MNN) — Gospel For Asia radio programming points people to Christ.
Japan (MNN) — Immense need compels Medical Teams to begin work in Japan
North Korea (MNN) — Christians are being asked to pray for North Korea

Indonesia (MNN) — MAF is mourning the death of a pilot in a swimming accident

Japan (MNN) — SEND International providing hope to children as the shaking continues
Burma (MNN) — 7.0 quake damage reports slow in coming

Japan (MNN) — HCJB Global Voice says the Japanese are looking for answers following the March 11th earthquake and tsunami

Japan (MNN) — SEND International team members drive near radiation zone to help victims