International (MNN) — Tim Bentch talks about the second annual Nations Worship event from Global Disciples.
International (MNN) — Tim Bentch talks about the second annual Nations Worship event from Global Disciples.
Asia (MNN) — Red Cross warns of COVID-19 “explosion” in Asia.
Nepal (MNN) — In the face of discrimination Nepalese believers hold tight to the Gospel.
China (MNN) — Bibles for China supports church partners as believers help flood survivors.
SE Asia (MNN) — New Bibles For The World campaign helps people find answers to life’s biggest questions.
South Asia (MNN) — Technology helps ministry begin work in two new locations.
Russia (MNN) — SGA is supporting church communities in Eastern Europe with Biblical training and resources.
India (MNN) — Widespread protests continue throughout India
Asia (MNN) — “It’s just one person right now, but it’s a start.”
Asia (MNN) — Training for ‘such a time as this’ bearing fruit.