Asia (MNN) — Water flows for prisoners, so does Living Water
Asia (MNN) — Water flows for prisoners, so does Living Water
India (MNN) — GFA Jesus Wells are a gift to the low castes in India
Burma (MNN) — Vision Beyond Borders reports praying with Burmese generals following historical election
Laos (MNN) — Laos padlocks another church at start of Easter services
Asia (MNN) — $11 can help a family for years to come, perhaps even for eternity
China (MNN) — Bibles for China needs you to help deliver more Bibles
Philippines (MNN) — ‘Courageous’ movie is key to seeing 1,000 police officers turn to Christ
China (MNN) — China Partner confirms registered churches are having an impact on the Kingdom
Philippines (MNN) — Food for the Hungry is helping churches reach out to flash flood victims