India (MNN) — While more than 300 million Dalits are oppressed in India, Christians are the Bridge of Hope
India (MNN) — While more than 300 million Dalits are oppressed in India, Christians are the Bridge of Hope
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Persecution reaches a new low, according to Forum 18
China (MNN) — Bible distribution continues despite China’s year of leadership transition
Afghanistan (MNN) — Muslim clerics view growth of Christianity as a threat
Ukraine (MNN) — Believers bring the disabled from darkness to light
India (MNN) — Three new community development projects added to BGR efforts
North Korea (MNN) — Are the horrors of WWII being replicated in North Korea?
Russia (MNN) — A dark day dawns in Russia
China (MNN) — Floods threaten thousands left homeless by last week’s quakes
Japan (MNN) — An uncertain future draws Japanese to eternal security through Christ