North Korea (MNN) — Ministries are stepping into the role of compassion
North Korea (MNN) — Ministries are stepping into the role of compassion
Thailand (MNN) — Christians in Thailand consider chaos and Christ
Asia (MNN) — Asia is the continent with the largest number of unreached groups
South Asia (MNN) — Sixty-two Buddhist monks come to Christ
Russia (MNN) — Mission pilots will soon fly into remote villages
India (MNN) — One dollar sends a kid in India to a Bible club
Nepal (MNN) — Through connections at MNN, Lindsay Steele is going to Nepal
Middle East/Asia (MNN) — FMI is headed east for evangelism training with a new tool!
China (MNN) — Resourcing China’s Church is taking more than 10,000 Bibles.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Christian women in Bangladesh are the minority or a minority.