Ukraine (MNN) — War broke out between Russia and Ukraine in 2014 over the Donbas region.
Ukraine (MNN) — War broke out between Russia and Ukraine in 2014 over the Donbas region.
Myanmar (MNN) — Myanmar (MNN) — Shrapnel from artillery rounds injured four men.
Ukraine (MNN) — A round of heavy artillery fire announced the start of the attack.
Myanmar (MNN) — Meanwhile, the U.S. says Myanmar’s military committed genocide against the Rohingya people.
Ukraine has been trying to arrange evacuation corridors to get citizens away from major cities.
Ukraine (MNN) — Civilians have taken shelter in basements and subway stations amid missile strikes.
Ukraine (MNN) — Putin has ordered troops into these regions of Eastern Ukraine.
Ukraine (MNN) — Russia has amassed troops at the border, and Western powers have sent weapons to Ukraine.
Myanmar (MNN) — The Myanmar military has bombed several villages near the border.