International (MNN) — Persecution in Middle East prompts conference in USA
International (MNN) — Persecution in Middle East prompts conference in USA
Afghanistan (MNN) — Christian workers freed as protests against Quran burning continue in Afghanistan
Eritrea (MNN) — Two more Christians die in Eritrea’s jails
Eritrea (MNN) — 30 believers arrested for hosting a prayer meeting in Eritrea
USA (MNN) — Christians arrested for ‘disorderly conduct’ may not have been disorderly
Eritrea (MNN) — More Christians thrown in jail–this time, from the military
Eritrea (MNN) — Eritrea holds thousands of prisoners of faith
Eritrea (MNN) — New wave of arrests casts harsh glare on Eritrea’s human rights record
Egypt (MNN) — 155 people arrested in Egypt for not observing the Ramadan fast
Eritrea (MNN) — Christians released, thousands remain behind bars