India (MNN) — Persecution in India called worse than stated in U.S. report
India (MNN) — Persecution in India called worse than stated in U.S. report
India (MNN) — Despite anti-conversion laws in Chhattisgarh, church growth increases
India (MNN) — Hindu nationalists re-enact dormant anti-conversion law in Gujarat
India (MNN) — Despite threats, church planting continues in India’s Orissa state.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Yet another assault on believers by Muslims in Bangladesh
India (MNN) — Ministry uses creative approach to evangelism in India
India (MNN) — Hindu nationalists threaten anti-conversion legislation in Uttarakhand
India (MNN) — Open Doors USA asks U.S. government to oppose anti-conversion legislation in India
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Political pressure and prayer help prevent Sri Lanka from enacting legislation that could have hurt Christians
Israel (MNN) — Ultra-Orthodox faction declares war on evangelism.