Somalia (MNN) — Al-Qaeda has yet to find a new leader after the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri in July.
Somalia (MNN) — Al-Qaeda has yet to find a new leader after the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri in July.
Kenya (MNN) — The attack took place not far from Somalia.
Somalia (MNN) — Admitting to follow Jesus as Messiah puts Somali Christians in great danger.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya, near the border of Somalia, has become an increasingly dangerous place for Christians.
Kenya (MNN) — In the early hours of January 13th, terrorists attacked a small Kenyan village.
Somalia (MNN) — The United Nations voted to limit the sale of bomb-making materials to Somalia.
Kenya (MNN) — Radical Islamic threats are draining the brain (and the Christianity) from the northern part of Kenya bordering Somalia
(MNN) — New murders add to string of attack on Kenyan Christians.
Somalia (MNN) — Militants target minorities in failed state
Somalia (MNN) — Over 300 people were killed in Somalia’s bloodiest attack