Zimbabwe (MNN) — With tensions mounting, missionaries in Zimbabwe make a call to prayer
Zimbabwe (MNN) — With tensions mounting, missionaries in Zimbabwe make a call to prayer
Ethiopia (MNN) — Orphans aren’t leaving orphanages in Ethiopia, Christians are responding
Kenya (MNN) — Book of Hope International says their Kenya Ministry is on hold, but reassessment begins this week
Kenya (MNN) — CRWRC is preparing to ramp up relief efforts as peace comes to Kenya
Mozambique (MNN) — Africa Inland Mission workers say the church is growing and gaining strength
Kenya (MNN) — Former UN chief announced power-sharing deal in Kenya, ministries are thrilled
Eritrea (MNN) — Some Christians released from prison, others still held, says report
Africa (MNN) — Compassion International believes the Africa visit by President Bush will help HIV/AIDS ministry
Kenya (MNN) — A Kofi Annan peace deal may mean calm in Kenya, mission flights continue unabated
Kenya (MNN) — Food for the Hungry says thousands are displaced due to political and racial unrest; help is needed