International (MNN) — God is using Dave McIntyre’s experience as a church planter in unexpected ways with Set Free.
International (MNN) — God is using Dave McIntyre’s experience as a church planter in unexpected ways with Set Free.
Africa (CAM) — Millions of people in Africa are on the verge of starvation and death.
GHANA (MNN) — What movies have changed your life? Missionaries in Ghana, West Africa are sharing the JESUS Film and seeing many from unreached people groups come to faith in Christ.
Africa (MNN) – The Gospel is going out across Africa with the help of local partners of World Missionary Press.
Africa (MNN) — In light of Ephesians 6:12, here’s how to pray for Africa.
Mali (MNN) — Mali military delays general election for the second time.
Ethiopia (MNN) — Gospel gathering equips Christian leaders to change their continent.
Sahel (MNN) — TeachBeyond is standing in the educational gap for kids.
Sudan (MNN) — Decades of persecution have strengthened Christ-followers’ resolve.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya’s government warns opposition leaders not to resume protests if ongoing mediation talks don’t go their way.