Sudan (MNN) — Rumors of war shadow new independence for South Sudan
Sudan (MNN) — Rumors of war shadow new independence for South Sudan
S. Sudan (MNN) — Three-month old nation off to a rocky start
Chad (MNN) — AIM worker reaches out to poor, tired women of Chad with hope of JESUS
Kenya (MNN) — Refugee camp bursting at the seams with hungry Somalis
Sudan (MNN) — Abyei violence continues, civil war still possible; South Sudan to be born regardless
South Sudan (MNN) — Rebel violence kills 82 more in mounting tension before official independence
Tanzania (MNN) — Training school launches church leaders
International (MNN) — Remember the 10/40 Window? How about the 4/14 Window?
Kenya (MNN) — Award-winning doctor addresses Kenya’s critical ‘brain drain’
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan eagerly anticipates referendum results