Romania (OM/MNN) — Mobile ministry brings Gospel to Romanian youth
Romania (OM/MNN) — Mobile ministry brings Gospel to Romanian youth
International (MNN) — Slavery still exists, and about half of its victims are 18 and under
USA (MNN) — First national TV ad for adoption celebrates Sanctity of Human Life Month
Russia (MNN) — Russian professor says abortion rates and divorce rates may be much higher than they seem
USA (MNN) — Buckner International offers resources for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
USA(MNN) — ‘Abortion row’ to make clients aware of adoption options
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya to begin the hard work of creating a new republic
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya’s Church concedes, pursues touchy issues
Kenya (MNN) — Tensions high in Kenya surrounding the referendum
USA (MNN) — Obama’s decision to fund international abortion grieves ministry