Abkhazia (MNN) — Local church reaches out to isolated and forgotten kids
Abkhazia (MNN) — Local church reaches out to isolated and forgotten kids
Abkhazia (MNN) — The local Church is stepping in to fill a need
Abkhazia (MNN) — The power of companionship in sister churches
Abkhazia (MNN) — Summer camp in Abkhazia meets physical and spiritual needs.
Abkhazia (MNN) — Abkhazia’s handicapped are receiving help and discovering Christ’s love.
Abkhazia (MNN) — Encouraging the suffering in Abkhazia.
Abkhazia (MNN) — SOAR is supporting the church of Abkhazia.
Abkhazia (MNN) — Packs of love sent to Akhazia’s next generation.
Abkhazia (MNN) — Baskets of Hope touching a war-torn country in an identity crisis