Nepal (MNN) — Seventeen U.S. citizens and one Indian citizen were detained in Nepal in early February.
Nepal (MNN) — Seventeen U.S. citizens and one Indian citizen were detained in Nepal in early February.
Nepal (MNN) — One brother was reading Scriptures about God shaking mountains and rolling rivers when tremors hit.
Mongolia (MNN) – The Mongolian Church has grown rapidly since the introduction of democracy and the Gospel over thirty years ago.
Mongolia (MNN) — After parliamentary elections in June, last month local governments in Mongolia had their turn.
Japan (MNN) — Ministries linking arms continue to have a Gospel ripple effect.
Int’l (MNN) – A3 provides Gospel-focused training for women and young leaders.
Bangladesh (MNN) — What do you do when your nation or community threatens to turn against you?
Algeria (MNN) — Many Muslims in Algeria are disillusioned with Islam.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — A new president with Marxist leanings leaves believers with an uncertain future.
International (MNN) — Jeyakaran Emmanuel begins his new role with A3 next week.