Zimbabwe (MNN) — Economic nose-dive has resources scarce; pastoral conference providing assets
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Economic nose-dive has resources scarce; pastoral conference providing assets
Zimbabwe (MNN) — 800 cases of typhoid; GAiN USA sending urgent water filters
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Renovations in a Zimbabwe hospital could mean doctors do not need to work by candlelight at night anymore
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Composition Notebooks provide a way for students in Zimbabwe to do better on their exams
Zimbabwe (MNN) — 500+ come to Christ; support needed for villagers’ physical needs
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Zimbabwe healthcare gets failing grade; one hospital in the midst of an ‘extreme makeover’
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Southern Baptists step in as maize deficit strikes Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Christian World Outreach says 220 AIDS orphans need support
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Seeds grow into plentiful harvests in Zimbabwe as a result of seed-packing events
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Christian World Outreach says they’re helping 500 kids but only have funding for 250