International (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates’ print on demand system is making it faster and easier to make sure the Gospel stays fresh and alive
International (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates’ print on demand system is making it faster and easier to make sure the Gospel stays fresh and alive
Indonesia (MNN) — Though Christians have been persecuted, they’re motivated to learn more about Christ
International (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates is helping to speed audio recordings with their Bible Translation Recording Kit
Asia (MNN) — “Impossible” languages groups finally open to Bible translations
Int’l (MNN) — Picking up the pace in Bible translation
Middle East (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates gives update on Bible translation in the Middle East
Ethiopia (MNN) — Help needed to put the Bible in 15 Ethiopian languages
International (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates is making Print On Demand available for Bible translators
Int’l (MNN) — More languages are receiving translations of God’s Word than ever before
International (MNN) — Bible translation work accelerated with the help of TNTs