Nigeria (MNN) — ACLED recorded 46 attacks against Christian targets in 2012.
Nigeria (MNN) — Fulani more vicious than Boko Haram, says human rights attorney.
Nigeria (MNN) — Chibok survivors begin a new chapter in the United States; millions out of school in Nigeria.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Believers have a deeper faith and new opportunities.
Russia (MNN) — Pray the Lord will help believers, church leaders, and Gospel workers on both sides of this conflict.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Officials who ignored warnings about the 2019 church bombings have not faced any consequences.
Tunisia (MNN) — Hope dims following human rights violation and power grabs.
India (MNN) — RSS trains gangs of women to identify and harass believers in Jharkhand state.
India (MNN) — VOM Canada partner gives believers a lifeline, surrounding them with practical help and Gospel hope.
China (MNN) — The Mayflower church, a group of 60 Chinese Christians, fled to South Korean territory in late 2019.