Syria (MNN) — It’s easy to think of Syria as the country of bad news, but the Holy Spirit is on the move, even during COVID-19.
Syria (MNN) — SAT-7 creates a new program designed to reach people in MENA struggling with financial burdens and despair during COVID-19.
International (MNN) — Believers describe how the Lord moved during Islamic holy month.
Near East (MNN) — Prayer gatherings multiply as people seek Jesus.
Syria (MNN) — Syria seems hopeless, but God is still moving in this war-torn nation.
MENA (MNN) — Ministries team up with one goal: reaching millions with the Good News of Christ.
Middle East (MNN) — Gospel workers ask God to help the people they cannot reach.
International (MNN) — Terrorists eye opportunity created by coronavirus chaos.
Syria (MNN) — Syrian believers hunger for biblical training
Lebanon (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy offers hope for Syrian refugees