Sudan (MNN) — Partners has next 12 months to prevent recruitment of Sudan’s youth
Sudan (MNN) — Partners has next 12 months to prevent recruitment of Sudan’s youth
Sudan (MNN) — Ceasefire call in Darfur meets with cool reception
Sudan (MNN) — Sammy Tippit to begin historical meetings in Sudan this weekend
Sudan (MNN) — E3 Partners says Sudanese believers are taking ownership in ministry
Sudan (MNN) — The Dinka Rek people can now read the Bible in their own language
Kenya (MNN) — SIM says violence is affecting work in Kenya and Sudan
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan suicide bomber kills five at church meeting
Sudan (MNN) — Violence continues in Darfur, Christians in the west are reaching out
Sudan (MNN) — Living Water International helps repair wells in Sudan, but the need is great