USA (MNN) — U.S. inauguration a month away; what will it mean for the global Church?
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USA (MNN) — U.S. inauguration a month away; what will it mean for the global Church?
Russia (MNN) — Orphan care shouldn’t end when they age out of traditional care
Russia (MNN) — Christmas opens doors for the Gospel
Russia (MNN) — SGA’s aviation program reaches out with the Gospel.
Russia (MNN) — SGA is gearing up for another Christmas in Russia and you can help!
Eurasia (MNN) — Can hope be contained in a box?
Russia (MNN) — Anti-terror law in Russia has impact; ministry finds response
Abkhazia (MNN) — The power of companionship in sister churches
Syria (MNN) — Citizens still in Aleppo cut off from the world, but not from Christ