Ukraine (MNN) — The war is creating a generation of trauma among Ukraine’s youth.
Belarus (MNN) — TWR radios come preloaded with Christ-centered content.
Ukraine (MNN) — Analysts say Russia is preparing for a lengthy war in Ukraine.
Poland (MNN) — Before the pandemic, ministry partners helped Keys for Kids Ministries translate its youth devotionals into Ukrainian and Russian.
Russia (MNN) — How do these sanctions affect the average Russian citizen?
Ukraine (MNN) — Kharkiv still too unsafe for Bible translators to return.
Ukraine (MNN) — In the northern regions, many Ukrainians have begun to rebuild.
Syria (MNN) — Syria strengthens ties with Iran as Russia remains preoccupied by its war in Ukraine.
Ukraine (MNN) — It’s a return to Europe for the ministry.
Europe (MNN) — As Ukrainian refugees receive aid, the Word of God is being shared.