Pakistan (MNN) — Christians are concerned as parliamentary elections seek change in Pakistan
Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan votes; believers on their knees
Pakistan (MNN) — Believers contemplate upcoming parliamentary elections
Pakistan (MNN) — Evangelist concerned about Pakistan’s insecurity and impact on church work
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians may have a platform for influence in the wake of the Bhutto assassination, says Open Doors
Pakistan (MNN) — World Evangelical Alliance says Christians are being arrested in Pakistan as emergency rule continues
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians will be bold despite opposition in Pakistan
Pakistan (MNN) — More than 300 dead in Pakistan after cyclone rips through the south
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians say they’ll sacrifice their lives for Christ in Pakistan rather than deny Him.
Pakistan (MNN) — Increasing violence in Pakistan isn’t preventing Christian young people from getting a Christian education.