Pakistan (MNN) — Several Christians remain under police protection today following a weekend mob attack.
Pakistan (MNN) — AMG International wants to open a second ministry hub to help marginalized Christians find meaningful employment and education.
Pakistan (MNN) — When Unknown Nations gospel workers entered a slum, a prominent witch doctor thought he was ready for them. But the unexpected happened.
Pakistan (MNN) — At least 600 prisoners are facing capital punishment right now because they’ve been accused of blasphemy.
Pakistan (MNN) — Brick kilns enslave vulnerable people in Pakistan, but also offer discipleship opportunities.
Pakistan (MNN) — Actions like these can easily turn into Gospel opportunities.
International (MNN) — God is using Dave McIntyre’s experience as a church planter in unexpected ways with Set Free.
International (MNN) — Radio allows TWR to reach people in some of the world’s most difficult places.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — MENA Leadership Center empowers Christian leaders in difficult areas.
Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan’s general election today comes after recent violence.