Lebanon (MNN) — Hezbollah takes aim at the Golan Heights in the latest air strikes and missile exchange with Israel.
Lebanon (MNN) — Hundreds of Syrian refugees opt to go back to Syria as anti-refugee sentiment surges in Lebanon.
Lebanon (MNN) — Ongoing refugee camp raids in Lebanon have forced one Christian school to shut its doors.
Lebanon (MNN) — Europe and the Middle East play ping pong with Syrian refugees.
Iran (MNN) — Transform Iran meets seekers with Gospel hope.
Lebanon (MNN) – Lebanon’s first ever Movement Day recently mobilized Christian leaders for greater impact in the Middle East.
Lebanon (MNN) — Syrian gang members recently killed a Lebanese politician, causing a spike in anti-Syrian sentiment.
Lebanon (MNN) — In a deeply divided Middle East, Heart for Lebanon believes the only answer is through Christ alone.
Lebanon (MNN) — As continued fire between Israel and Hezbollah points to deep fractures in the Middle East, one ministry works toward biblical justice.
Lebanon (MNN) — Heart for Lebanon continues its outreach to thousands of displaced families.