Kenya (MNN) — Biblica dedicates NIV like Kiswahili Bible translation in Kenya
Kenya (MNN) — Biblica dedicates NIV like Kiswahili Bible translation in Kenya
Kenya (MNN) — Humanitarian crisis not totally gone from cholera-hit parts of Kenya, Ethiopia
Kenya (MNN) — An AIM Air mechanic dies of injuries, following last week’s plane crash
Kenya (MNN) — Missionary pilot dies, three others receive injuries in crash
International (MNN) — Kids Alive International struggles to support HIV/AIDS orphans without room
Kenya (MNN) — Shipping container full of Christian literature must brave the territory of Somali pirates
Kenya (MNN) — Kids ministry rescues girls from female circumcision and more
Kenya (MNN) — Numbers of HIV-affected children rising in Kenya
Africa (MNN) — ICMS discovers most effective media form to reach East Africa