Kenya (MNN) — With little fanfare, Garissa University reopens nine months after terror attack.
Kenya (MNN) — With little fanfare, Garissa University reopens nine months after terror attack.
Kenya (MNN) — Radio ministry fills more than airwaves.
Kenya (MNN) — Trans World Radio Kenya witnesses change in unexpected places.
Kenya (MNN) — Wycliffe creates a solution to satisfy hunger for God’s Word.
Kenya (MNN) — Set Free Ministries’ partner is giving free quality education to vulnerable kids in Kenya.
International (MNN) — Orphan graduates find a chance to thrive.
Kenya (MNN) — Politics, security, Great Commission cross paths in East Africa.
International (MNN) — CRI ships five containers full of Bibles and Christian books overseas.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya prepares to weather storm of persecution.