Palestine MNN) — The Biden administration also restored aid to Palestinian refugees.
Palestine MNN) — The Biden administration also restored aid to Palestinian refugees.
Palestine (MNN) — Several obstacles stand in the way of elections going forward.
Palestine (MNN) — Shireen Hilal of Bethlehem Bible College says this is one of the most difficult times in Palestinian history.
Israel (MNN) — Israel carried out aerial attacks on Hezbollah observation posts last Wednesday in response to shots being fired across the border.
Palestine (MNN) — On August 13, Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed a peace deal normalizing relations between the two countries.
Lebanon (MNN) — Ministries share Christ’s love as they provide emergency relief.
Palestine (MNN) — On July 1st, Israel was set to annex more land from the West Bank. However, the day and the whole month passed without an announcement. What happened?
Palestine (MNN) — Palestinian Christians have suffered as their brothers and sisters have often forgotten their place in the story of the Great Commission.
Palestine (MNN) — On May 15, Palestinians observed the Nakba commemorating when thousands of Palestinians were driven out of their homes in 1948.
MENA (MNN) — Ministries team up with one goal: reaching millions with the Good News of Christ.