India (MNN) — Bibles for the World says more violence is to come in India’s Orissa State
India (MNN) — Bibles for the World says more violence is to come in India’s Orissa State
Bangladesh (MNN) — Believers respond to critical needs with aid for Bangladesh flood victims
Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan leader buried, violence stalks country, ministry responds
India (MNN) — Sporadic violence continues between Hindus and Christians in India
India (MNN) — A dozen or more churches are burned in India’s Orissa State in Christmas violence
India (MNN) — Gospel for Asia says Christmas in India gives Christians more opportunities to share their faith
India (MNN) — Gospel For Asia leader says persecution against Christians will increase, but so will the number of Christians
USA (MNN) — American Family Radio and Gospel for Asia team up to help the Dalits of India
International (MNN) — World Evangelical Alliance says more persecution could affect Christians this Christmas
USA (MNN) — Bible Pathway is looking for help getting resources to Bible school graduates in India