Guatemala (MNN) — Ministry marks anniversary and asks aid for Haitian sister ministry
Guatemala (MNN) — Ministry marks anniversary and asks aid for Haitian sister ministry
USA (MNN) — Orphan Outreach is looking for 20 interns to help with orphan ministry this summer
Guatemala (MNN) — Compassion International helps 4,000 of Guatemala’s impoverished children in the ‘dry corridor’
Guatemala (MNN) — A medical mission team in the U.S. provides physical and spiritual hope to many
Guatemala (MNN) — Our own Greg Yoder helps with medical mission in Guatemala
Guatemala (MNN) — Orphan Outreach equips churches to minister and give hope while food shortages soar
USA (MNN) — Orphan Outreach needs you to help distribute backpacks in Guatemala
Guatemala (MNN) — Kids Alive Care Centers are providing more than education
Guatemala (MNN) — Orphan Outreach and MNN need doctors to help the people of Panabaj
Guatemala (MNN) — Powerful partnerships move ministry forward in Guatemala