International (MNN) — Deaf translators get creative to meet community needs.
International (MNN) — Deaf translators get creative to meet community needs.
India (MNN) — Social distancing is difficult when you’re trying to evade a super cyclone.
Haiti (MNN) — COVID-19 cases increase in Haiti, but the impoverished country can only do so much to stop the spread.
USA (MNN) — Spoken Worldwide’s teams around the world are creatively serving oral cultures.
Yemen (MNN) — Prayer needed as COVID-19 threatens AP region.
Ukraine (MNN) — A long civil war has left Ukraine in ruins, unable to mitigate a COVID-19 outbreak and the economic fallout.
Ethiopia (MNN) — New Compassion radio program broadcasts hope to beleaguered families.
International (MNN) — Crossroads Prison Ministries shares updates from international partners.
Brazil (MNN) — Sammy Tippit Ministries has been ahead of the curve on digital Church presence; and now COVID-19 makes it more necessary than ever.
USA (MNN) — Help Crossroads tell prisoners they are not alone in this time