China (MNN) — Bibles for China supports church partners as believers help flood survivors.
China (MNN) — Students and parents from Inner Mongolia gathered to protest new Mandarin textbooks.
Bibles for China resumes Bible distribution in light of lockdowns being lifted
China (MNN) — Chinese believers face crackdown on digital content
China (MNN) — Ministry in China goes digital following pandemic
China (MNN) — As China reopens, Bible schools struggle to find their footing
China (MNN) — Founder of China Partner passes away
China (MNN) — Bibles for China continues providing Bibles for rural Chinese, despite the political instability facing China after a backlash to human rights violations.
China (MNN) — Church growth “exponential” despite government crackdowns.
SE Asia (MNN) — New Bibles For The World campaign helps people find answers to life’s biggest questions.