China (MNN) — 400 attack house church members in Shanxi province
China (MNN) — Chinese believers tried for disturbing the peace and other charges
China (MNN) — China turns on its own
China (MNN) — WorldServe Ministries is adjusting outreach to help the above-ground church.
China (MNN) — Progress on Sichuan Hope Center driven by ministry of underground church
China (MNN) — Open Doors USA is asking Christians to pray for Uyghur believers as unrest continues
China (MNN) — PSB officers torture yet another Christian human rights attorney
China (MNN) — Singing people group wants to hear the Gospel
China (MNN) — China cracks down on human rights attorneys; declines to take responsibility for Gao Zhisheng
China (MNN) — Chinese Christians and former protestors for democracy remember Tiananmen Square