China (MNN) — Your prayers are needed for safety and open Gospel doors.
China (MNN) — Your prayers are needed for safety and open Gospel doors.
China (MNN) – Local church partners of Bibles For China request support to send more leaders to a Bible training center.
China (MNN) – There are still critical Gospel opportunities needing support.
China (MNN) — Monday’s midnight earthquake killed at least 127 people in one of China’s poorest regions.
China (MNN) – The registered churches of China hold a national conference this month and elect new leaders for the next five years.
China (MNN) — Chinese Christians know their every move is watched.
China (MNN) — China’s Christmas – commercialized or an opportunity for outreach?
China (MNN) — “Foreign reinvestment” opens doors for training and empowerment.
Nepal (MNN) — A3 alumni are bringing relief in the name of Jesus Christ.
Nepal (MNN) — Christians with A3 are bringing aid and Gospel hope.