China (MNN) — Burklin recounts a recent visit to the Chinese Church
China (MNN) — Burklin recounts a recent visit to the Chinese Church
International (MNN) — Persecution could prevent unreached people groups from hearing the Gospel
China (MNN) — Recent arrests of U.S. citizens point to bigger problem
Hong Kong (MNN) — Protests and religious freedom concerns continue in Hong Kong.
International (MNN) — Keys for Kids provides resources for talking crisis
China (MNN) — Christian children’s programs draw China’s ire
China (MNN) — Laws restricting youth ministry force China Partner to cancel YouthServe initiative
China (MNN) – With the increasingly hostile attitude toward Christians in China, Bibles for China is changing some of their procedures and adding a focus on Bible study literature.
China (MNN) — New regulations in China aren’t new; they’re just finally being enforced
China (MNN) — Chinese Church leaders think outside the box as pressure intensifies.