Malawi (MNN) — The beleaguered nation of Malawi gears up for Billy Graham’s ‘My Hope’ event
Dem. Republic of Congo (MNN) — MAF finance officer shares Christ on the ground
Libya (MNN) — Open Doors Contact asks for prayer to end to violence, safety for Christians
Sudan (MNN) — The south’s secession could be good and bad for Christians
C. African Republic (MNN) — OneHope will help nation rebuild its education system with God’s Word
International (MNN) — Interested in missions? How about an internship?
Nigeria (MNN) — Dozens killed as churches are bombed in Northern Nigeria
Sudan (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates needs your help to match a grant for Sudan Bible translation
Africa (MNN) — African believers itching to get on the mission field don’t have the means
Mozambique (MNN) — MAF is partnering with another agency to provide health care