Nigeria (MNN) — Boko Haram is planning an all-out war on Christians in the weeks ahead, says one ministry
North Africa (MNN) — HCJB Global program producer flees as tensions rise
Egypt (MNN) — SAT-7 reports increasing interest in Christian television in Egypt
Nigeria (MNN) — Christian Aid Mission says missionaries they support have already been forced out by Boko Haram
South Sudan (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates is carefully moving forward to expand Bible translation facilities
Egypt (MNN) — IN Network says Egyptians seem hopeless, Christians providing hope
USA (MNN) — Pioneers focuses on the church need in Chad
Egypt (MNN) — Unrest could follow Mubarak trial, Christians concerned
Uganda (MNN) — Grandmothers taking on their AIDS-orphaned grandkids need help
Democratic Republic of Congo (MNN) — Medical Teams International says people are fleeing Congo after presidential vote