Zimbabwe (MNN) — Zimbabwe's fragile compromise unity
government has just passed its two-year mark despite President Robert Mugabe's
calls for elections to coincide with the power sharing anniversary.
Even though the Government of National Unity (GNU) expired on February
11, both Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara and Prime
Minister Morgan Tsvangirai agreed to continue the power-sharing pact.
However, there are concerns that without basic Constitutional
reforms, Zimbabwe faces a repeat
of the 2008 election, in which hundreds were killed in political unrest.
Duane Zook with
Global Aid Network says,
"There has been some unsettledness, but in the midst of that, I think
there's great opportunity. That's one of
the things that Global Aid Network is doing in partnership with Life Ministry
in Zimbabwe, as well as the churches."
Rising violence has displaced hundreds of families in
several parts of Harare, as gangs have begun looting and burning property. Additionally, the United Nations has issued some grim news
about food security. "They're estimating
close to two million people still need food aid, so that is one of the big
things that Global Aid Network has been helping the churches and communities
There are also rumors that Mugabe's party hopes to hold the
election as early as September. That
could be problematic for short-term mission teams. GAiN has a team slated for Zimbabwe September
30-October 11. "We very closely monitor
the situation in Zimbabwe whenever we send a team there. We're listening to our
Life Ministries staff, Campus Crusade staff on the ground, and the nationals; they
best know the situation."
In the worst of the insecurity, though, Zook notes that
people are more open to hope. "As we provide the food through our church
partners, they have an opportunity to share the solution to the need of the
soul." In addition to food, he says they provide
vegetable seeds. "A Harvester Pack is about 10 packs of
vegetable seeds…a variety of seeds that they can plant for not only for their
own personal family use, but also to help provide some income."
As the believers sow the seeds of the Gospel and wait for a
harvest, Zook says the uncertain conditions "also raise the question of the need to pray for the national staff and the
pastors that are there, because they live
in that day in and day out."